


Graffiti is defined as the words, colors, and shapes drawn or scratched on buildings, overpasses, train cars, desks, and other surfaces.

The term graffiti comes from the Greek word graphein, which means, “to write.” Graffiti today ranges from simple, one-color monikers (like a nickname), called “tags”, repeated on many surfaces to complex compositions of several colors.

Most non-gang graffiti consists of “tags,” “throw-ups,” and “pieces”:

• a “tag” is the graffiti artist moniker applied quickly and repetitively.

• a “throw-up” is a more elaborate tag, usually done in two or more colors. Vandals often use balloon letters, which are filled in or left as outlines.

• “Pieces,” short for “masterpieces,” are large, detailed drawings. They are colorful, can include cartoon-like characters, and may take an hour or more to complete.

Generic graffiti (or conventional graffiti) includes random markings, initials, declarations of love, social commentary, profanity, graduation events–“Class of 1997”–and other non-threatening messages. Generic graffiti has no particular style.

We here at Fresh Radio believe graffiti is an art and the graffiti artist is the 4th element of the Hip-Hop culture.  If you see a mean piece or tag in the streets, take a picture, we’ll post it and give you photo credit.  Make sure you put the location of the piece as well!


Freshian Warren Walker aka Tweetin Speilburg drew this classic ATLiens Album Cover


S.Ozone Park (Queens, NY)(view from Manhattan bound “A” Train)

Photo Credit: Brooklyn Tye

Tye Queens

This piece comes from Woodside, Queens NY
Photo Credit: Brooklyn Tye @TalkingTye
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The next 2 pieces: Bushwick, Brooklyn NY

Photo Credit: Cherie & Brett (NY)

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It’s only right the official Fresh Radio photographer @pushaoffresh get some!

The next 3 pieces of freight are from Richmond, VA

Photo Credit: Robert Fields of Leggwork Photography

Richmond (38 of 59)Richmond (41 of 59)Richmond (39 of 59)

These pics are from Berlin with Jay and Beyonce! DOPE

Photo Credit: Beyonce

Jay & Beyoncetumblr_mnobogkmmo1rqgjz2o1_1280tumblr_mnobqjjkkg1rqgjz2o1_1280

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