Musical blessings from #FreshRadio on this Sunday
17 August 2014 Fresh Radio
Save the date: #FreshStart Morning Show 1 yr anniversary event 09/05/2014 @ FM Restaurant (formerly the Jewish Mother)
10a ET | 7a PT: #TheLiveMixshow with DJ I Rock Jesus (Heat Minister)
11a ET | 8a PT: #DancehallRadio with Xcalibur (NY)
Noon ET | 9a PT: #DaHouseSpotSessions with Chitronix (Chi/Bahrain)
1p ET | 10a PT: #TheWonderYears with DJ Fountz (Mass/VA)
2p ET | 11a PT: #HerkulesWorld with Herk and DJ Book (DC)
3p ET | Noon PT: #AphrodisiacSoul with DJ Ruckus (OH/VA/NC)
4p ET | 1p PT: #SubsoniqRadio
Gangsta Mittens has up and left us for the Bay so now its just the dudes. She also left us with the job of sending out our heartfelt congrats to several members of the Subsoniq fam! DQ, K-Murdock and GM (and their significant others of course) are all expecting babies in the coming months! Its a damn Subsoniq baby boom! Blame this guy, he predicted it in January. Anyhow besides a future of dirty diapers and no sleep, we also have a ton of dope progressive hip hop for ya.