Winter Storm Janus doesn’t stop #freshradio
22 January 2014 Fresh Radio
We have your chance to party with Don Julio 1942 during Super Bowl Weekend for our NY listeners in the 9’oclock hour!
Inside our Winter Storm Janice Mixoff
10a ET|7a PT: #WinterStormJanus Mixtape (Replay) with DJ Bee and DJ Puffdragon (HBD)
1p ET |10a PT:#FreshRadio Mixtape with the Supafunkregulata Celo (DC)
2p ET|11a ET: #ThePracticeSession with DJ I.N.C. (@fromthetopropes)
3p ET|Noon ET: #AphrodisiacSoul with DJ Ruckus (X-Factor)
4p ET|1p PT: #TheWonderYears with DJ Fountz (Boston/VA)
5p ET|2p ET: #TheWorldWideShow with DJ Opal (Philly)
6p ET|3p PT: #SkratchMakaniks Radio
7p ET|4p PT: #TheThunderstormMix with DJ Thunder (MI)
8p ET|5p PT: #DaFreshness with Xcalibur (NY)
9p ET|6p PT: #5thElement LIVE with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC)
10p ET|7p PT: #Bangtimewith DJ Rick Geez (Philly)
11p ET|8p PT: #DevineSoundsHouseParty with DJ Devine (NJ)