#cybermonday with #freshradio | Lineup December 02, 2013
2 December 2013 Fresh Radio
#cybermonday click the #freshbuy tab on itsFreshRadio.com use the code CMFresh and get 20% off your order and that includes the $10 #sneakerball tickets
Noon EST | 9a PST: #LegendsAtNoon
2p EST | 11a PST: #TheExperience with the Supafunkregulata Celo (DC)
3p EST | Noon PST: #Beats,Rhymes, & Life with DJ Titan (Baltimore)
4p EST | 1p PST: #TheUnderworldShow with DJ Music Rocka (BK)
Happy 43rd to Trigger Treach!
5p EST | 2p PST: #FreshRadio Mixtape (All Things Naughty) with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC)
6p EST | 3p PST: #SkratchMakaniksRadio
7p EST | 4p PST: #EnjoyandBeEducated with @TheDiggersUnion @DJUnexpected and Hevehitta
DJ Bee Cyber Monday, DJ Bee, DJ Music Rocka, DJ Titan, dj unexpected, Fresh Buy, Fresh Radio, hevehitta, Naughty By Nature, Sneakerball, Supafunkregulata Celo, the diggers union, Treach