#FridayEVE …tomorrow #Scratchvision x #FreshRadio
15 January 2015 Fresh Radio
Be prepared to see a bunch of disrespectful MLK party flyers for this weekend on social media. The leader of civil rights movement, showed us that epic changes can be made without a gun!
This quote is from a 72 year old white man…”King fought against these vestiges of slavery. But what impressed me the most about him was that he won. And he won not by violence but by means of peaceful demonstrations.”
7:3oa ET | 4:30a PT: #FreshStart (Re-Fresh of Kamaal’s Conscious Hip Hop Mix) with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC)
9:15a ET | 6:15a PT: #FreshStart Morning Show LIVE with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC)
Noon ET | 9a PT: #LegendsAtNoon the Legendary DJ Scratch
3p ET | Noon PT: #HerkulesWorld with Herk and DJ Book (DC)
4p ET | 1p PT: #UnparalleledMixshow with DJ Sdot
5p ET | 2p PT: #FreshRadio Mixtape with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC)
6p ET | 3p PT: #SkratchMakaniks Radio with DJ Aktive (Philly)
10p ET | 7p PT: #TheMainIngredient with DJ Puffdragon (Chi/VA)
11p ET | 8p PT: #DaPowerHourMix with DJ Strez
Midnight ET | 9p PT: #MindfuckRadio #Muse with Cymandye