#EverythingBrooklyn 6a-6p ET
4 December 2014 Fresh Radio
We’re rocking everything BK until 6p ET including Jay-Z tribute mixes and live performances since it’s his G day and other Brooklyn born artist!
6a ET | 3a PT: Biggie Tribute mix by DJ Spinbad (NY/SMC)
7:19a ET | 4:19a PT: Jay-Z Tribute mix by DJ M-Rock (Toronto)
9a ET | 6a PT: #FreshStart Morning Show LIVE with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC) Everything Brooklyn from Jay to Big to Mos to Bootcamp to Barrell Bros.
Noon ET | 9a PT: #LegendsAtNoon “Jay-Z Live at the Tunnel”
4:30p ET | 1:30p ET: #HelloBrooklyn Mixtape…I’m recording this LIVE to put on Fresh Buy!
6p ET | 3p PT: #HerkulesWorld with Herk and DJ Book (DC)
7p ET | 4p PT: #UnparalleledMixshow with DJ S Dot
8p ET | 5p PT: #StillGrindin with DJ Nighttrain (Fresh South)
10p ET | 7p PT: #TheMainIngredient with DJ Puffdragon (Chi/VA)
11p ET | 8p PT: #DaPowerHourMix with DJ Strez
Midnight ET | 9p PT: #MindfuckRadio with Cymandye