
DJ Bee

no responses. February 13, 2014 DJ Bee

*programming alert* #freshstart from 9a-11a ET this morning!

*programming alert* #freshstart from 9a-11a ET this morning!

#freshstart morning show from 9-11a ET this am! Let’s discuss this and I’ll rock some Queen Bee classics!#freshradio itsFreshRadio.com Photo Credit: Evan Agostini/Getty Images; Winston Burris/WENN.com


no responses. February 11, 2014 DJ Bee

#FreshRadio | Lineup Tuesday February 11, 2014

#FreshRadio | Lineup Tuesday February 11, 2014

   This Friday Night!! #FreshForTheSoul 8a ET | 5a PT: #FreshStart Morning Show LIVE with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC) 10a ET | 7a PT: Whitney Houston tribute […]


no responses. February 10, 2014 DJ Bee

TGIM! #FreshRadio | Lineup Monday February 10, 2014

TGIM! #FreshRadio | Lineup Monday February 10, 2014

RIP Dilla…we lost the genius 8 years ago today!!!! Check the pictures from our 3rd ann of #freshfriday x #theofficial Dilla Tribute special guest Rich Medina […]


no responses. February 6, 2014 DJ Bee

#FridayEVE Tune in from 9a-11a ET for the #freshstart morning show

#FridayEVE Tune in from 9a-11a ET for the #freshstart morning show

We’re going an hour later today! I’ll be LIVE on the decks from 9a-11a ET  Noon ET | 9a PT: #LegendsAtNoon 1:40p ET| 10:40a PT: #TheLayoverMix […]


no responses. February 1, 2014 DJ Bee

Your weekend soundcheck in effect boyee! #FreshRadio

Your weekend soundcheck in effect boyee! #FreshRadio

Thank you and salute to everyone that came out and rocked with us at Sassi’s last night! A lot of new listeners to #freshradio   8a […]


no responses. January 27, 2014 DJ Bee

#freshradio LIVE from…5p EST

#freshradio LIVE from…5p EST

The #freshstart morning show will return Tuesday morning so we can broadcast live from A Touch Of Jazz Studios with a legend around 5pm EST ***Join […]


no responses. January 24, 2014 DJ Bee

#TGIF #FreshRadio Lineup | January 24, 2014

#TGIF #FreshRadio Lineup | January 24, 2014

  8a ET|5a PT: #FreshStart Morning Show LIVE with DJ Bee (Philly/VA/SMC) 10a ET|7a PT: #BreakersRevenge with J.Rocc (CA/BeatJunkies/Champion Sound) 11a ET|8a PT: #FreshRadio Mixtape replay […]


no responses. January 14, 2014 DJ Bee

#FreshStart salutes Slick Rick x LL | Lineup January 14, 2014

#FreshStart salutes Slick Rick x LL | Lineup January 14, 2014

DJ Bee will pay homage and salute 2 legendary MC’s on their born day! Slick Rick the Ruler at 8a EST and L.L. Cool J at […]


no responses. January 13, 2014 DJ Bee

#FreshRadio Happy Monday | Lineup January 13, 2014

#FreshRadio Happy Monday | Lineup January 13, 2014

Noon EST | 9a PST: #LegendsAtNoon DJ Muro breakset from WNYU circa 1996 2p EST | 11a PST: #TheExperience with the Supafunkregulata Celo (DC) 3p EST […]


no responses. January 11, 2014 DJ Bee

Hey, its Saturday! #FreshRadio

Hey, its Saturday! #FreshRadio

Join us tonight for FREE at Sassie Lounge and Dessert Bar from 8p-1op come have a drink or more.  We’ll have some Fresh Radio t-shirts and […]


no responses. January 8, 2014 DJ Bee

Let #freshradio help you get over the hump! | Lineup January 08, 2014

Let #freshradio help you get over the hump! | Lineup January 08, 2014

Don’t forget to join us this Saturday at Sassy Lounge from 8p-10p EST ….come have a drink with us as we broadcast live and we’ll have […]


no responses. January 6, 2014 DJ Bee

Peep the DJ’s rockin’ this Monday

Peep the DJ’s rockin’ this Monday

2p EST | 11a PST: #TheExperience with the Supafunkregulata Celo (DC) 3p EST | Noon PST: #BeatsRhymes&Life with DJ Titan (Baltimore) 4p EST | 1p PST: […]


no responses. December 24, 2013 DJ Bee

#FreshRadio Mixoff Weekend continues…join us tonight at 11p EST #freshwrapping

#FreshRadio Mixoff Weekend continues…join us tonight at 11p EST #freshwrapping

Tonight at 11p EST, its tradition that we go LIVE while you do your last minute gift wrapping.  So join me (#freshwrapping), I’ll be live with […]


no responses. December 23, 2013 DJ Bee

#FreshRadio Holiday Mixoff | Lineup December 23, 2013

#FreshRadio Holiday Mixoff | Lineup December 23, 2013

We’re in our Holiday Mixoff…all mixing and turntablism until the year 2014 2p EST | 11a PST: #TheExperience with the Supafunkregulata Celo (DC) 3p EST | […]
